RF/테라헬즈 신호 측정기 분석기 시스템 공급 전문

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교육용 안테나 측정 연구용 벡터네트웍분석기 카다록

2024-09-06 10:23
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제품 카다록 및 응용 자료 다운 링크

Product Information
VNA Sandbox Overview
Excerpts of our VNA Sandbox tutorial that is included with the VSB.
Balanced Calibration Kit Overview
Excerpts of our Balanced measurements tutorial that is included with the Balanced Calibration Kit.
VNA-04x0(e) Product Info and Specifications
Specifications of the MegiQ VNA0440(e) / VNA0460(e).
RMS-0640 / RMS-0660 Specifications
Specifications of the MegiQ Radiation Measurement System.
Software and documentation
VNA Software
VNA Software and Firmware page.
MegiQ VNA0440-VNA0460 User Manual V3.1
VNA0440(e) / VNA0460(e) User Manual.
MegiQ VNA API specification
Documentation of the MegiQ VNA Application Programming Interface.
MegiQ VNA API package
Documentation and example programs that use the MegiQ VNA Application Programming Interface.
Application Notes
AN100 VNA-0440(e) Measurements
Example measurements exploring the possibilities of the VNA0440 and VNA0440e and the VNA Sandbox.
AN101 Care of Connectors
Some tips how to prevent damage to connectors.
AN102 Use of UFL Connectors
How UFL connectors can be used in VNA measurements.
AN103 Production Antenna Testing
Case report of using the VNA0440 in production testing.
AN104 RF in Luminaires
Designing RF inside all metal luminairs can be challenging.
AN105 Contactless Antenna Measurement using a VNA
A technique of antenna measurement using a coupling loop.
AN106 Calculating TIS from TRP
How to calculate TIS when the TRP can be readily measured.
AN107 VNA-0460e Measurement Quality
Assessment of the quality and stability of the VNA-0460e Vector Network Analyzer measurements.
AN112 Application of Time Domain Reflectometry
Some applications of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) functions in the VNA software.
AN114 Measuring Radiated Wifi properties using a MegiQ RMS
A case study of measuring a Wifi AP with the RMS

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